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sixty-four-dollar question中文是什么意思

用"sixty-four-dollar question"造句"sixty-four-dollar question"怎么读"sixty-four-dollar question" in a sentence


  • 关键问题
  • "sixty"中文翻译    n. 1. 六十个人[物]。 2.六十镑。 3.六十的纪 ...
  • "four"中文翻译    n. 1.四人小组;(套在车上的)四匹马。 2.四的记号 ...
  • "dollar"中文翻译    n. 1.美元〔符号为$〕。 2.元〔加拿大等国的货币单 ...
  • "question"中文翻译    n. 1.问,询问,发问;质问。 2.【语法】疑问句。 ...
  • "a sixty-four dollar question" 中文翻译 :    最重要的问题, 最后也是最难的问题
  • "sixty-four dollar question" 中文翻译 :    〔美俚〕重大问题,难题〔源自40年代无线电问答比赛中所设最高奖为64美元〕。
  • "sixty four" 中文翻译 :    六十四
  • "sixty million dollar man" 中文翻译 :    百变金刚; 百变星君; 百星君; 六千万美圆的男人
  • "the cube of four is sixty four" 中文翻译 :    四的立方是六十四
  • "excess sixty four code" 中文翻译 :    余64码
  • "sixty-four-mo" 中文翻译 :    n. 64开的纸;64开本。
  • "excess-sixty-four binary notation" 中文翻译 :    超64二进制记法
  • "when i′m sixty four" 中文翻译 :    当我到六十四岁
  • "i weigh a-hundred-sixty-four pounds" 中文翻译 :    我重164磅
  • "sixty" 中文翻译 :    n. 1. 六十个人[物]。 2.六十镑。 3.六十的纪号。 4.六十岁;〔pl.〕六十到六十九岁的时期。 5.〔pl.〕(世纪的)60年代。 in eighteen sixties 在19世纪60年代〔略作 in 1860's〕。 in eighteen sixty 在1860年〔略 in 1860〕。 in the sixties 六十多岁(的);在60年代。 like sixty 〔美俚〕飞快地,剧烈地,大大地 (run like sixty 飞跑。 ache like sixty 剧痛)。
  • "a-not-a question" 中文翻译 :    正反问句
  • "at question" 中文翻译 :    可疑的, 可以争论的; 有问题的,未解决的,可争论的
  • "in question" 中文翻译 :    成问题的; 对... 表示 怀疑,有疑问; 上述; 所指的; 谈论中的,争议中的; 讨论中的;谈及的;争论中的; 在讨论中; 正被谈论的,正被考虑的; 正在被谈论,被争论,成问题; 正在被讨论; 正在考虑; 正在谈论的; 质疑
  • "question" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.问,询问,发问;质问。 2.【语法】疑问句。 3.疑问;疑义,疑窦。 4.问题;议题;争论点;悬案;(法庭等上的)争端。 5.(把问题)付表决;付表决的问题。 6.审问;〔古语〕拷问。 a direct question 直接疑问句。 an indirect [oblique ] question 间接疑问句。 a rhetorical question 反诘句。 a question of time 时间问题。 leading question 【法律】诱供,诱导询问。 the Eastern question 东方问题。 The question is ...题是…。 an open question 未解决的问题,容许讨论的问题。 a question at [in] issue 悬案,争持的问题。 a question of questions 首要问题。 a previous question (议会中的)先决问题[动议]。 a sixty-four dollar question 最重要的问题。 begging (of) the question 用未经证明的假定来辩论。 beside the question 在本题之外,离题。 beyond (all) question 毫无疑问;一定,当然。 call in question 怀疑,表示异议,表示不服;要求…的证据。 come into question 成为问题,成为有实际重要性。 foreign to the question =beside the question. in question 1. 议论中的,该…,本…。 2. 可怀疑,被争论,成为问题的。 make no question of =make no question but that ... 对…不加怀疑。 out of question =beyond question. out of the question 不在考虑之列,谈不上;根本不可能。 past question=beyond question. pop the question 〔俚语〕求婚。 put a question to 向…质问,质问…。 put the question 提付表决;要求表决。 put to the question 〔古语〕加以拷问。 Question! 〔公开集会等中的叫声〕 1. 请注意正题,离题了!〔促发言人言归本题〕。 2. 有疑问!有异议!〔表示疑问或不赞成〕。 questions and commands 问答游戏。 starred question 要求口头答复的质问〔因英国国会中要求口头答复时附加星印〕。 That is not the question . 那是另外一个问题,那是另外一回事,那是题外话,那和我们的讨论无关。 There is no question (but) that ...那的确是…的;…是没有怀疑余地的。 There is no question of ... 1. …是毫无疑问的。 2. …是不可能的。 to the question 针对论题;对题,切题。 without question 毫无疑问。 vt. 1. 询问;讯问;审问。 2. 怀疑,对…表示疑问,对…提出疑问。 3. 争论。 4.分析;探究,研究(事实)。 question sb.'s honesty 怀疑某人是否诚实。 vi. 询问;探问;探究。 It cannot be questioned but that...…无怀疑的余地;…是确实的。 n. -er 询问者;讯问者;审问者。 adj. -less 1.无疑的。 2.无异议的。 adv. -lessly 无疑地,的确。
  • "question (to)" 中文翻译 :    关于…的问题
  • "the question" 中文翻译 :    提问者
  • "to the question" 中文翻译 :    针对论题; 针对所讨论的题目, 对题; 针对所讨论的问题
  • "dollar" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.美元〔符号为$〕。 2.元〔加拿大等国的货币单位,如加元,澳元等〕。 3.一元金币〔银币,纸币〕; 〔英俚〕五先令银币 (= crown)。 4.〔the dollars〕金钱,财富。 5.【物理学】元(原子堆的反应性单位,指缓发中子产生的反应性〕。 Hong Kong dollar 港币。 bet one's bottom dollars 〔美口〕确信,必然 (I'll bet my bottom dollars that he will succeed. 我确信他必然成功)。 dollar-a-year man 〔美国〕拿法定最低薪俸的现任官员。 dollars to buttons [doughnuts] 〔美俚〕确信,有把握 (It is dollars to doughnuts. 的的确确。 I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts. 我敢肯定)。 fell [look] like a million dollars 〔美俚〕感觉[看上去]十分健康;(妇女)看上去特别吸引人。 adv. -wise 1.以美元计算的 (How much does a million francs amount to dollar 一百万法郎合多少美元)。 2.在财政方面。
  • "in dollar" 中文翻译 :    按美元
  • "approaching sixty" 中文翻译 :    年近六十


  • After it analyses the actuality and existent sixty - four - dollar questions of wpo design , this paper studies the method of modeling and tactic of searching for the best value
  • We lucubrated and discussed some sixty - four - dollar questions in process of construction this workflow management system . finally , we summarized the workflow management system that we constructed and brought forward question that need resolve and research in next step
  • The sixty - four - dollar question in the computer aided road design is that traditional methods such as ipm , bbm did n ' t be combined smoothly . as a consequence , the creativity of a road designer was limited , and work efficiency could not be improved further more
  • I . sixty - four - dollar question in pharmacy development for tonghua medical enterprises under the increasing competition background of the industry , tonghua medical industry enters into the important period of transition in which the competing power of the market should be enhanced quickly : the scale of the enterprise is small , the competing power should be enhanced , and the market share of the medical industry all over the city is less than one big enterprise group in our country ; the pattern of management control of the enterprise should be changed quickly ; the change of concept of the decision - making
  • Based on current trend of network database technology , this paper bring up an executive - plan : " basing on xml , b / ' s three - ply structure government network system heterogeneous databases information - sharing " , and introduces the plan ' s integrated design as well as several sixty - four - dollar questions " solutions . those questions include as well : dynamic creating ird ( information resource directory ) based on sharing information of heterogeneous databases , web layer database ' s design and manage , dynamic creating sql query statement to realize heterogeneous database ' s local data querying , the translation from query result to xml document
    介绍了该方案的整体设计以及几个关键问题的解决方法,包括:根据各异构数据库共享信息动态生成信息资源目录( ird ) ; web方式的中间层数据库设计和管理;根据共享信息的表及字段动态生成异构数据库sql查询语句实现局部数据查询;根据数据库结构特征和xml数据模型特点,设计表结构字段名称与xml文档标签之间的对应关系,实现关系数据库数据向标准xml文档的转化。
  • Then this paper present equipment integrated frame in then flow enterprise , analyst integrated interface among system , and discuss several integrated technology on the basis of requirement of integration . in the last part of this article , based on the characteristic and requirement of equipment management of baling petroleum a nd chemical co . , this paper builds system frame , function model , information model , and introduce sixty - four - dollar question , technical difficulty and solution , and summarize the methods , routes and effects during the project process
  • Decoying technology is effective means that deal with the anti - radiation weapon . based on the noncoherent decoy theory , a radar decoy model is established in rfss . the sixty - four - dollar question about confirming the coordinates of decoy on the array is discussed , and a mathematical model is found to deduce resolving arithmetic . finally , the simulation experiment verifies its validity . it is important to evaluate the anti - interference characteristics and research the countermeasures of anti - radiation weapon
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